Get ready for Salesforce Files – is beginning its long term plan to incorporate all of the Files, Content, Documents, etc into one seamless function, Beginning with Salesforce File Sync. We recommend that the you begin to explore Salesforce File Sync as a way to easily post Files to
Don’t forget you will be able to link in SharePoint files/directory!
What do we want to see in the future for salesforce Files/Content/Documents:
- Salesforce File Sync – Allow for Libraries to become folders, so posting to Content Libraries is a simple drag and drop
- Salesforce File Sync – Allow for simple Filter (taxonomies) to be applied. Hint: use something like Chatter topics
- Create dynamic searches – Allowing users to see predefined “searched” Content
- Auto subscribe users to dynamic searched, Tags, Filters, etc.
- Ensure all fields in UI are accessible in reports and API’s
If you have more ideas, let us know or post them to the IdeaExchange!
For more information and our expertise with please email us @ or call @ 908-376-9773 and we would be happy to review your project and ensure you are applying the right best practices to leverage the features and functions and maximize your user adoption.
Review our Content Organizer application as it might just bring you the features and functions you are looking for.