Let’s Strategize is pleased to announce that a new version of our Trade Promotion Management (TPM) application, Let’s Plan, has been released. This is a major release with a lot of new and improved functionality.
- No more total planning for volume on an Event level, it is now base + incremental volume planning. With this comes a new Base Volume object to house all of the base volume data.
- Trade Funds Management – Setting an annual budget then allows each Account to be allocated a $ or % of the total trade funds budget.
- Chatter has been added to Account and Event views
- Enhanced Reporting, Dashboards
- Improved Checkbook Summary
- Understand if an Event is a win/win by viewing the Retailer incremental margins
- Data snapshots to track special limited edition or various products that are critical to the demand process
- and many more enhancements
Take Let’s Plan for a test drive today! or call us to schedule a demo @ 908-376-9773